Monday, September 7, 2009

Flex Photos

I have received quite a few funny emails over the last 24 hours. First off keep them coming. It seems a few of you can handle seeing a grown man in a cycling kit or in a skin tight superman suit and it seems a few of you can't. A guy flexing in boxers for the camera is just crazy, silly, unheard of and wrong! Guess what folks.....body building is a sport! You work hard and the you see results in the.....mirror or...... in photos! Sharing these pics can be extremely hard to do, you might be opening your self up to some harsh criticism, or even a laugh or two. Think about how hard it is to write down your goals or share them with team mates or friends and family. If you haven't done it...try it. Its really hard when it comes out of your mouth in front of the people that mean the most to you. Now think about how hard it is (or could be) to undress when you have a poor body image or are self conscious about your weight or shape. Your hiding your fitness goals behind those over sized clothes. Your not working at looking good because its hard and you can hide all your dreams and goals inside your head, sharing these goals might get you criticised or even laughed at. How good would it feel to be able drop some weight and like what you see in the mirror? How good would you have to look before you could post a photo or two and take what ever veiws and comments are thrown your way? Think about this when your veiwing my pics.

Also wanted to say thank you to those who said nice things or asked to see more ;) (Thanks Mandy!)

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