Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cross Train - ALL YEAR LONG!

Why is it that we try other sports and hit the gym in the off-season and then as soon as it gets warm out we abandon everything and just log miles and miles on our bike? I'm a firm believer that you need variety to keep things fresh and you need to switch it up a bit to continue to progress. When my legs are begging for a break I ride up to the lake and go for a swim. I get the cardio workout I need to stay fit and my legs get a bit of a break. I also force myself to run a least once a week. Yep I did say "force" running is crap, I do not enjoy it and it doesn't come natural to me BUT it gets me out of my comfort zone, gets me sweating and burning calories and also shows me that I'm not in the shape I think I am.

So...switch it up! are you a cyclist or an athlete? I can help you with being better at both!!

1 comment:

  1. What lake do you swim at? and where do you park your bike when you're swimming? What size is your bike again? Do you think it would fit someone who's 6'4"?
