Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Direction - you need a map, a GPS, a coach!

Here is a good quote that makes a lot of sense to me

"If you don't know where your going, you will end up someplace else" - Yogi Berra

One of the reasons we could all benefit from having a coach is goal setting. You sit down and go through all the things you want to accomplish in sport. You talk about where "your going" Once this is done it is the coaches job to keep us on track and going in the right direction, you just might get lost. Just by having to be accountable to someone else you will find you follow through with your plans, hopes, dreams and goals just because you have shared these with them and together you will want to follow through and stay the course.
If you have a coach, send them an email and let them know what they mean to you. Most of these people really enjoy what they do but its the positive feedback that really motivates them and makes their job worth while. If you don't have a coach think about what you may be missing. How are you going to accomplish what you need to accomplish without a fantastic support system and the accountability a coach provides?

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